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The award winning Osman Mighty Mites are a motorized parade and competition unit for the Osman Shrine in St. Paul, Minnesota dedicated to the Shrine Hospitals for Children and the kids they serve.

Our unit consists of a variety of miniature cars including '32 Ford Street Rods, '36 Ford Cabriolets, and Micro Cup cars like you would see at a NASCAR event.  During parades we perform figure eights, leapfrogs, circles, cross overs and more.  On straightaways, we are capable of speeds that will leave crowds cheering. 

The Mighty Mites have captured several awards while traveling throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Dakotas during the busy parade season.  We continue to ride with the mission of financially supporting our hospital system.
The Mighty Mites
Parade and Competition 

   Mighty Mites Board of Directors

President                                    Burt Rovner

Vice President                           Eric Jokinen    
Secretary                                  Wally Larsen

Treasurer                                  Ted Johnson

Member at Large                          Art Lemke

Temple Liaison                            Gary Winter​

Appointed Positions

Communications                         Wally Larsen

Event Chair                                   Art Lemke
New Member Chair                     Tim Gangnon

Road Captain's        Steve Hoyer-Art Lemke                                                      
Web Master                              Wally Larsen

Winter Carnival Chair                    Art Lemke

  Interest in becoming a Mighty Mite?
Contact Membership Chair Tim Gangnon

We Ride so kids can walk
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